On Trusting the Winter Trees
Inspired by Luke 21, 25-26 Christ Church, Dec. 1st 2024 A very first sermon by Pamela Pianezza  Here we are : entering a time that is,...
Inspired by Luke 21, 25-26 Christ Church, Dec. 1st 2024 A very first sermon by Pamela Pianezza  Here we are : entering a time that is,...
1 Kings 17:8-16 Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 Why is it, do you think, that there is such an emphasis on the fact both the...
On Sunday our Lay Worship Leader gave the homily, based on the story of the rich young man, who came before Jesus and asked how he could...
Our lay worship leader preached on today's Gospel reading Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116:1-8 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 Â Â Apparently it is...
July 29th is the 50th anniversary of the first women ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church. You can read more about this event here...
AT CHRIST CHURCH we are in our "Summer mode" with services every other week, in the evening. Here is a summary of Bishop Catherine's...
Yesterday our Lay Worship Leader took the theme of grief as reflected in the readings. She shared songs, quotations, readings and her own...
One of our church members went to a gathering of young people from the Episcopal Church in Europe, held in Frankfurt. Here she writes...
READINGS FOR EASTER 7 YEAR B Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19 Psalm 1 I have read this passage from John many times…and...
Yesterday, our Lay Worship Leader spoke to us about how pivotal the roles of Eli & Phillip were in the calls of Samuel & Nathaniel, and...
We were really hoping that our new interim priest would have been able to be with us in person, but her Visa had not arrived in time....
On the last Sunday of the church year, before Advent starts next week, our Lay Minister, Alison, asked us to consider if we are an...
Today our Worship Leader shared a homily preached at the Convention of the Convocation of the Episcopal Church in Europe (held last week...
Our Worship Leader Alison challenged us to consider our concept of God's provision for those who "deserve" it, rather than those who need...
At the evening service our Worship Leader reminded us of how, as we have been shown mercy & reconciled to God, we now are called on to...
At our early evening service, our Worship Leader reflected on various parables of Jesus, and how he used everyday images to make people...
Today, our Worship Leader spoke about how Jesus calls on us to not be afraid of conflict, and being uncomfortable in our Christian faith....
On this Pentecost Sunday, our Lay Worship Leader, Alison, led our service of Holy Eucharist, reminding us of the need to be ready and...
John 10:1-10 I’m sure that most of us have a gate opening onto our property –perhaps your gate is locked with an entrance code; perhaps...